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Tips for a great stroller run

So you've made your way back to running and you're bringing little one with you! Well me too! I have learned some things along the way and want to share some tips with you to have a great stroller run!


First things first, get a stroller that meets your needs! I know I know. But some think that they can run with just any ol stroller, but you can't. BOB and Thule are on the top of the list, but you don't need those to have a great run. I'm a bargain shopper and have the baby trend. (Although I do keep my eye out on BOBS on fb maketplace 🤞🏽) Whichever brand you get, just make sure you have a jogging stroller. It has the big wheel in the front and the two behind! Jogging strollers will do much better on different terrain and help baby have a smooth ride.


Don't rush it. Go on some solo walk/runs without baby. There's no one size fits all, but it varies to when baby is ready to ride in the stroller. It could be as early as 4 months, or maybe 8 months. One of the biggest things is baby having good head control. Check with your pediatrician first. I started running with Lani when she was about 5 months. Her car seat clicked into the stroller and I took her on smooth surfaces. When she got older, and she was sitting well, she sat in the stroller by herself and I'd be ok going over different surfaces, but I still don't get too crazy.


Time it right. I've gone running when nap time is approaching and when she's wide awake. I think this will depend on your baby. She's gotten used to the runs when she's awake, but when it's on the longer side, she will definetly get antsy. On the other hand, if I head out when it's almost nap time, she will fall asleep, and we both have a peaceful time. It may take trial and error to find out which works best for your baby


Make sure baby is fed before. If you have a baby that's started solid or is an older baby, bring snacks just in case! There's been a few times, Lani has gotten fussy. I slow down and hand her something easy to eat, and she's fine. Oh and don't forget the sippy cup!


Toys and tether! They will need something to keep them occupied if awake. Also, they will accidentally drop things, or purposely drop things 🙄. That's why you tether! Tie it to the stroller! Tether everything really.... the sippy cup, the toys, whatever you can!


Pace yourself. Pushing a jogger with a baby in it, postpartum- whew chile! It isn't easy. It gets easier and easier with time. But don't start out trying to PR & break records. Take your time. Get in your stride. It's also hard to maintain a good running form while pushing a stroller. Work on this before picking up the speed and distance. That included avoiding hills in the beginning. Trust me.


Stay consistent. You don't have to do a stroller run all the time, but get n a routine so baby knows what to expect. It's a bonding time for you and baby. The more you do it, the more your baby gets used to sitting, being patient and enjoying the ride. You will also get better at stroller running!


Pack light. I know we wanna have 3 change of clothes, all the diapers and wipes and every toy. But don't weigh the diaper bag down. Sometimes I don't even take the diaper bag.

Here's what I pack: 1 diaper, wipes, 2 toys, snacks, my water bottle, her sippy cup and my wallet. A lot of the time I just put in the bottom

compartment. A lot of my runs aren't longer than 3-4 miles & I change baby girl before we leave. So we aren't far from home if anything crazy happens. OH and always have your ID and cash or card on you, just in case!


Get a supportive bra! I wore two bras before baby, so I knew I needed a good bra lost baby! You need something to hold the girs down! And if your breastfeeding, you'll be a lot more comfortable if you empty before you run, rather that's pumping or nursing


Have fun!! Throw some Cross training and yoga in there too. Nah but for real, enjoy yourself. Be proud of yourself for getting out with baby and moving your body! It doesn't matter if it's a walk, jog or sprint! You got this!

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